Management of Hypertension and Kidney Disease

2022-07-21T17:20:50-04:00August 1, 2022|Categories: Blog, Chronic Disease Management|Tags: , , |

When most people hear of hypertension or high blood pressure, they associate the causes with genetic makeup, diet, obesity, and lack of physical exercise. They [...]

Hematuria and Proteinuria: What You Need to Know

2022-07-21T17:21:01-04:00July 1, 2022|Categories: Blog, Chronic Disease Management|Tags: , , |

Urine plays a vital role in diagnosing health conditions. In fact, your physician may request a urine sample for diagnostic purposes more frequently than you [...]

Nephrology And What A Nephrologist Treats

2022-07-21T17:22:00-04:00February 1, 2022|Categories: Blog, Chronic Disease Management, Injuries|Tags: , |

Nephrology is a subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses on the kidneys and the acute and chronic conditions that affect them. Nephrologists study their specialty [...]

Painful Connection of UTIs and Kidney Infections

2022-07-21T17:22:11-04:00January 1, 2022|Categories: Blog, Chronic Disease Management|Tags: , , |

Overview of the Urinary System The urinary system includes the urethra and bladder, known as the lower urinary tract, and the ureters and the kidneys. [...]

The Causes and Prevention of Kidney Stones

2022-07-21T17:22:24-04:00November 1, 2021|Categories: Blog, Chronic Disease Management|Tags: , |

The Causes and Prevention of Kidney Stones Kidney stones are a fairly common health issue with varied approaches to treatment and ways to help prevent [...]

Managing Glomerulonephritis and Nephrotic Syndrome

2022-07-21T17:22:42-04:00October 1, 2021|Categories: Blog, Chronic Disease Management|Tags: , , |

What Is Glomerulonephritis? This intimidating word refers to a specific type of kidney disorder. Kidneys are amazing organs that perform complex functions. Filtering waste products [...]

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